Animal DNA in Plant Based Food (Vegan Compliance) Proficiency Test

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Product Specification

Proficiency Test Information
Product Code Proficiency Test Matrix Approx. Size


Plant Based Food (Vegan Compliance Check)

2 x 50g


Animal DNA


The Plant Based Food test material will be contaminated with one or more form of Animal DNA. Test material will be freeze-dried.

Test Description

There is a growing demand for vegan (plant-based) foods driven by greater awareness for animal welfare and concern for the growing contribution to global warming from biologically produced methane, a more powerful greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Reducing biological methane production by switching to plant based foods and reducing the livestock needed to support the quantity of meat consumed is viewed as a potential ‘quick win’ in the war on climate change. Reducing biological methane production could have a measurable effect in ten years due to the fact that methane is much shorter-lived in the atmosphere than other greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and hydrofluorocarbons.

Plant-based proteins are utilised to create foods which resemble meat products, and this may involve purchasing the plant protein as a powdered ingredient, for example pea protein or soya protein, which can look very similar to animal based protein powders such as casein. This similarity could lead to accidental contamination or cross-contamination of a vegan food, with a risk of reputational damage for the producer.

This proficiency test is designed to test the laboratory’s ability to analyse a food as vegan compliant, by testing for animal DNA in a plant based food. This is a qualitative proficiency test.

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