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Product Specification

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Test Description

Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi on agricultural commodities in the field or during storage.  It is estimated at 25% of the world's food crops are affected, resulting in large commercial losses. Mycotoxins can cause serious health problems (including some being suspected carcinogens) and so are tightly regulated across the world. Mycotoxin contamination is the largest cause of rapid alerts raised against imported food products.  Fapas has introduced multi-mycotoxin proficiency tests as well as those for emerging mycotoxins.

The European Commission have recently discussed setting maximum levels (MLs) for ergot alkaloids in cereal-based products. This proficiency test allows you to evaluate your testing ability for ergot alkaloids in baby food products.

Ergot Alkaloids are a large group of compounds produced by fungi that are known to attack rye, wheat and triticale. With a range of effects on humans their levels must be strictly regulated. It is important to highlight areas of improvement with your current testing arrangement to ensure potentially high levels of these alkaloids are highlighted and quantified.

Proficiency testing activities from Fapas make use of real food matrices to highlight areas of improvement within your routine analysis activities. This is due to the direct comparisons you can make within your proficiency testing results. Fapas test materials challenge your laboratories to ensure only high-quality test results are offered to your customers and regulators alike.

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