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Product Specification

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Test Description

The quality of drinking water is highly regulated across the world. Chemical contaminants such as heavy metals or pesticides might have long-term health implications. Other chemical contaminants are indicators of environmental pollution at source. Fapas Drinking Water proficiency tests provide whole volume drinking water samples with a wide range of routine and non-routine chemical components.

Within this proficiency test your ability to detect an organic disinfection by-product, namely Haloacetic Acids, will be evaluated. This can allow you to inform your wider quality assurance activities by using this Fapas proficiency test as the foundation.

Haloacetic acids are just one of several chlorine disinfection by-products. They are found within drinking water consumed from your tap at home, but in safe, small levels. It is important to highlight any high levels of these acids within drinking water, not only because the resulting water may not be fit for consumption, but as an indicator of the quality of waste water requiring treatment.

Drinking water is essential within our everyday lives. As such it is integral to ensure this is of drinking standard and high quality.

Due to the importance of highlighting and quantifying this information  Fapas proficiency tests should be utilised to inform any improvements which may be required within your current testing arrangement.

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