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Test Description

Contaminants within infant formula is of high importance due to the reliance on this foodstuff by infants for the majority of their nutritional intake. To achieve these nutritional values, a number of ingredients are used with this foodstuff to provide the supplementary nutrients needed for infants within this critical life stage. These ingredients can cause an increased risk of contamination within infant formula, and as such require accurate testing to detect and quantify these potentially harmful food contaminants.

With a large amount of infant formula in a powdered form, the long term shelf life this provides can give key advantages to the foodstuff, especially in regards to cost and time saving. It also presents challenges for manufacturers, with the likelihood of food packaging migration taking place. As such it is important to test infant formula for a large amount of different analytes. Achieving flexible testing across a range of analytes requires a long standing track record of quality control methods, with effective proficiency testing measures used to document any areas of improvement or testing bias within your current testing arrangement.

Quality control materials are the perfect way to track your progress against a control. They are used to validate whether a testing instrument or process is operating within pre-defined specifications. This validation process makes sure your test results are as close to the true value as possible, and therefore your testing process is a credible as it can be.

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