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Product Specification

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Test Description

Tomato paste is used within large numbers of recipes and processed foods, as such there is a large reliance on the need for accurate testing. As a concentrated foodstuff, contaminants may be found in higher levels than in its unprocessed state. This problem is only going to increase as food consumption continues to grow globally, putting further pressure on producers.

Heavy metals have a track record of causing health risks when consumed in high numbers and as such there is a large degree of legislation around heavy metals.

Within an ever more global food supply chain, the importance of strong quality control processes cannot be questioned. This gives testing laboratories a large amount of responsibility to test accurately across various analytes and food matrices. Using proficiency testing is a key driver to maintaining high quality testing across a number of variables including inter-laboratory comparisons.  This test uses high levels of contamination within test materials to prove detection and quantification across a range of trace elements.

Strong quality control processes are needed to ensure a high standard of testing across multiple analytes and foodstuffs and by using proficiency testing as a benchmark, you can highlight key areas for improvements.

The heavy metals within this test include Cadmium, Iron, Lead and Tin.

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