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Product Specification

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Test Description

Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi on agricultural commodities in the field or during storage.  It is estimated at 25% of the world's food crops are affected, resulting in large commercial losses. Mycotoxins can cause serious health problems (including some being suspected carcinogens) and so are tightly regulated across the world. Mycotoxin contamination is the largest cause of rapid alerts raised against imported food products.  Fapas has introduced multi-mycotoxin proficiency tests as well as those for emerging mycotoxins.

Aflatoxins are specific mycotoxins caused by Aspergillus species of fungi. It is crucial for effective testing practices to be utilised to accurately identify this mycotoxin group from which to form mitigation and control strategies within an ever increasing global supply chain.

Within this quality control material your testing ability of Aflatoxins within Chilli powder can be challenged as it would within your routine analysis activities. As such you can evaluate your testing ability across a long timescale, standardise your processes and ensure you offer high quality test results across a range of testing environments.

Chilli powder, being a dried substance in many instances has an improved shelf life compared to its fresh counterpart. Due to longer storage times it is increasingly important to verify good storage practices through accurate testing measures to protect your customer's products as well as the end consumer from potentially contaminated products.

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