Note: Fees (prices) on this site are in GBP and do not include carriage / handling fees and VAT. Customers outside the UK may also incur local charges, including (but not limited to) import duties, local taxes and customs clearance fees, which may add significant cost to your order. Prices here are for the PT round or QC / Reference Material only and the total price payable may be higher.


Product Specification

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Test Description

This proficiency test for brandy includes analytes which are under regulatory control including Methanol & Propan-1-ol, as well as those which define the type and quality of the brandy. We use different types of brandy within our rounds covering regional and quality differences giving you a detailed test against a range of factors.

These analytes include 2-Methylbutan-1-ol + 3-Methylbutan-1-ol, which give key flavours to brandies and other alcoholic beverages. Your testing capabilities are key to protecting the consumer, both in terms of mislabelling products and safeguarding the quality of producers.

Proficiency tests continue to protect product quality when identifying alcoholic strength, both real and apparent, getting you ready to identify any potential chaptalisation or alcohol adulteration techniques. This test looks at Alcoholic strength (real and apparent, i.e. direct and indirect measurement), alcohol congeners from by-products, and ethyl carbamate.

With this large range of analytes within a single round, we give you a great benchmark from which to fully evaluate your testing capability.

With its unique taste and high price point, brandy is susceptible to adulteration tactics. Also due to the manufacture process it is also key to highlight any discrepancies between batches and maintain quality across stock. With strong proficiency testing rounds covering a range of factors, our real food matrices can provide the closest to real testing environment possible, challenging your analysts and detection methods as they would be in routine testing.

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