Note: Fees (prices) on this site are in GBP and do not include carriage / handling fees and VAT. Customers outside the UK may also incur local charges, including (but not limited to) import duties, local taxes and customs clearance fees, which may add significant cost to your order. Prices here are for the PT round or QC / Reference Material only and the total price payable may be higher.


Product Specification

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Test Description

Orange juice enjoys vast consumption around the world. This can lead to increased pressure on producers and, in turn, supply chains. This can lead to manufacturers making increased use of additives to emulate and fill in for natural oranges. Accurate testing should be employed to verify product quality.

Alcohol in orange juice can indicate a number of poor production practises. It can indicate poor storage practises and poor quality oranges used within manufacture. This is due to the potential fermentation of fruit which may take place if produce is stored incorrectly.

It is therefore important to maintain the high quality testing ability your testing laboratories can offer, to protect consumers from poor quality produce.

Fapas proficiency testing activities make use of real food test materials. This allows direct comparisons to be made with your current testing arrangement to allow concise, relevant areas of improvement to be made within your testing arrangement. This can in turn allow you to ensure your current testing arrangement is fit for purpose and able to produce credible, repeatable results in the future.

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