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Product Specification

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Test Description

Veterinary medicines, above safe levels, can achieve the same effects in humans as those desired within livestock. This can prove harmful if not controlled and cause negative effective in humans through consumption.

Regulators set safe levels for veterinary medicines in food which must be strictly adhered to by producers. To be sure of this, testing providers are challenged by regulators to achieve highly accurate testing ability across a large range of controlled analytes in a range of testing environments. To provide evidence of accurate testing, effective quality control measures must be in place. Fapas proficiency testing offers the best way to benchmark your performance against industry, and provide comparable results from which to improve or maintain your testing ability. 

Animal feed is essential for rearing high-quality livestock and as such many regulations based on human consumption can and should be applied to livestock.

This QC material was prepared at contamination (low) level, not at medication (high) levels.

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