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Test Description

Food processing can itself produce contaminants due to chemical reactions. Melamine came to prominence as an illegal additive to pet food and infant formula to increase the apparent protein content. Melamine transforms to cyanuric acid and, in combination, the two compounds complex and can form dangerous crystals in the kidney causing serious health problems. The adulteration of foods with melamine is still a risk.

Animal feed is an integral part of livestock farming. It forms the basis for a good quality stock from which to ensure adequate financial returns. It is therefore paramount for your testing standards to adequately highlight any potential adulteration within livestock feed. As the global population continues to increase, the demand for meats will continue to increase, resulting in a large amount of pressure forced upon global livestock, and therefore feed, supply chains.

Quality control materials are the perfect way to track your progress against a control. They are used to validate whether a testing instrument or process is operating within pre-defined specifications. This validation process makes sure your test results are as close to the true value as possible, and therefore your testing process is a credible as it can be.

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