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Product Specification

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Test Description

This proficiency test can evaluate your testing ability for a range of different fats, from which to inform quality, taste and appearance aspects for manufacturers. This information is also vital to ensure only high quality produce is offered to consumers, as well as providing accurate product information to inform purchasing decisions.

Mixed fat spreads such as margarine are consumed globally and are used within a range of foodstuffs, as such it is important to ensure only high quality spreads are being offered to consumers. Mixed fat spreads are growing in popularity, with manufacturer health claims bolstering demand. 

Fats themselves are vital for a healthy lifestyle, yet must be consumed in controlled quantities. It is therefore important to provide the effective testing activities required to ensure only high quality produce is offered to consumers. This is also true for validating manufacturer claims which may sway consumer purchasing decisions.

Proficiency testing activities from Fapas make use of real food matrices, to provide the direct comparisons to your real world routine analysis activities. This therefore ensures only clear, concise areas of improvement are made. These are also immediately actionable to ensure your customers enjoy high quality testing standards.

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