Note: Fees (prices) on this site are in GBP and do not include carriage / handling fees and VAT. Customers outside the UK may also incur local charges, including (but not limited to) import duties, local taxes and customs clearance fees, which may add significant cost to your order. Prices here are for the PT round or QC / Reference Material only and the total price payable may be higher.


Product Specification

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Test Description

This quality control material provides the opportunity to carry out a comprehensive fatty acid profile including individual fatty acids, on a straightforward single type of oil that is widely available and frequently tested in laboratories.

Palm oil enjoys a large demand worldwide owing to its versatility and low price point. It is use for a wide range of cooking methods including frying.

Fat is an essential part of the human diet, supplying nutritional components that the body needs in order to function. Too much fat in the diet, especially of nutritionally undesirable forms, can give rise to health problems. Hence, fat is subject to labelling requirements on food products and analyses are targeted towards this compliance.

Vegetable-based oils are used within a wide range of cooking processes and as such can be consumed in a wide range of forms. This makes vegetable and most other oils by extension subject to rigorous regulations, to provide high quality produce to the consumer and negate any food adulteration risks from this potentially expensive product.

Fapas quality control materials can provide your labs with similar challenge to that which are faced within routine testing arrangements. Through the use of real food samples quickly comparable results can be made, allowing you to provide insights into improving your testing arrangement quickly and effectively.

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