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Product Specification

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Test Description

This Fapas proficiency test is ideal to evaluate your testing ability for a range of physical contaminants within a flour matrix. The test requires identification of physical contaminants such as insect, metal, glass, plastic, stones, wood & others and is a realistic test of your screening for physical contaminants

Flour is a globally traded food commodity, and may be contaminated at any stage of the production process (growing in the feld, harvest, storage of the grains, milling and final packaging and storage) and accurate analysis of any physical contaminants can be essential to identifying the potential source of the foreign material so that preventive measures may be taken.

Physical contaminants can come from the natural or manufacturing environments, and none should be present in a commercially produced material. Some, such as insect debris are unlikely to cause much of a problem if consumed, but glass shards, wooden splinters, metal fragments and many more are more likely to cause harm if accidentally consumed. 

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