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Product Specification

Not available.

Test Description

This proficiency test material includes the analysis of Glucocorticoids (& Thyrostats) within a matrix of Bovine Urine.

Animal products for human consumption are tightly legislated and closely monitored for compliance. This is because veterinary medicines used in animals are likely to have similar pharmacological effects in humans. Hence, for many veterinary medicines there are extremely low maximum residue limits (MRL), or even no limit, with any detection classed as non-compliant. This puts a large emphasis on the accuracy of testing laboratories across a range of matrices when detecting these potential contaminants.

Fapas proficiency tests aim to minimise this risk, and, by benchmarking your testing ability, can provide you with the insights you need to make key improvements in your testing processes. This all helps you provide your clients with the confidence they need in your testing ability, allowing them to make the informed decisions needed within their business to achieve success.

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