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Test Description

Coffee is one of the most widely traded commodities with around ten million bags per month being exported from producer countries. A large proportion of this trade is in green coffee beans, the raw material used by coffee roasters to then sell as whole roasted, or ground coffee, or for further processing to produce instant coffee products. Like many areas of agriculture, herbicides are widely used to control weeds in coffee plantations and one of the most commonly applied is glyphosate. This can lead to residues of glyphosate in the green beans supplied to the roasters and manufacturers, and any product with levels above the maximum residue level (MRL) will be prohibited from being traded. The current EU MRL for glyphosate in green coffee is 0.1 mg/kg. However after a review of glyphosate MRLs by the European Food Standards Agency in 2019 there is a proposal that this should be lowered to 0.05 mg/kg. If accepted one source estimates that up to 1/3 of the coffee currently traded would fail to meet this level.

Quality control materials can be utilised to track the improvements made within your quality assurance activities. This is in addition to the effective standardisation work that can be done with Fapas quality control materials, where credible, reliable test results can be obtained.

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