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Product Specification

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Test Description

The presence of metals in food is of particular concern due to their toxicity. These naturally occurring chemicals can occur as residues in food by a range of mechanisms such as their natural presence in the environment or contamination during food processing and storage. Their accumulation in the body can lead to harmful effects over time and their presence in foodstuffs is strictly regulated.

Heavy, toxic metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury are often found in food, either as a natural contaminant or a contaminant from production.

Within this proficiency test the heavy metals Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury are addressed. This challenges your laboratory to highlight any unsafe levels of these contaminants within Animal feed within one screening test. This is directly comparable to your routine analysis arrangement and as such results can be used to quickly inform any quality control decisions that may need to be made.

Animal feed is essential for rearing high quality livestock and as such many regulations based around human consumption can and should be applied to livestock. Proficiency testing  is essential for maintaining high quality test results across a range of testing environments.  This high quality testing can then be passed directly to your customers to highlight the credible results they receive from your analysis.

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