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Product Specification

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Test Description

Heavy, toxic metals such as Arsenic, Antimony, Cadmium , Chromium , Copper and Zinc are often found in food, either as a natural contaminant or a contaminant from production. Within soft drinks the wide range of ingredients can increase the risk of contamination from a range of analytes. This risk of contamination can only be controlled through accurate testing arrangements and the improved rate of detection found as a result. Metals such as Antimony and Chromium can be found in many places along the food supply chain, from land contamination to improper production processes. Through these improper production processes foodstuffs such as soft drinks can react with food packaging such as cans. The metals within these cans can increase the risk of heavy metals being unintentionally added into foodstuffs. Their accumulation in the body can lead to harmful effects over time and their presence in foodstuffs is strictly regulated.

Soft drinks enjoy a large degree of consumption worldwide. As such testing laboratories have a large challenge to face to highlight potential contamination across a range of analytes. This proficiency test looks at a range of heavy metals to identify within one test sample. This challenges your laboratories, much as they would be within your routine analysis activities. This gives directly comparable results from which to highlight any areas for improvement such as removing unconscious bias when quantifying Cadmium, or addressing general testing deficiencies.

Accurate testing backed by effective proficiency testing arrangements can allow you to track your testing capabilities across a long timescale and assess your quality control arrangements. This demonstrates the confidence that your clients need in your testing capabilities. 

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