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Test Description

Heavy, toxic metals such as pH, Cadmium, Copper, Lead and Iron are often found in food, either as a natural contaminant or a contaminant from production. This uptake of heavy metals is of particularly high risk within wine due to the large amount of time taken for the grapes to grow and ripen. Combine this with the use of some heavy metal based plant protection products, gives great importance in accurate testing to isolate and detect these potential contaminants within foodstuffs.  Copper is frequently determined in wine due to the use of Bordeaux mixture (copper sulphate solution) to control mildew.

Fapas proficiency tests can help clarify and evaluate your testing processes, highlighting areas of potential improvement or areas in which your testing arrangement excels. Through the use of real food matrices, our proficiency tests are even more comparable to your routine testing results when contrasted with synthetic test materials, which may not offer the same challenges real food samples may offer within your testing practice.

The presence of metals in food is of particular concern due to their toxicity. These naturally occurring chemicals can occur as residues in food by a range of mechanisms such as their natural presence in the environment or contamination during food processing and storage. Their accumulation in the body can lead to harmful effects over time and their presence in foodstuffs is strictly regulated.

Quality control materials can be utilised to track the improvements made within your quality assurance activities. This is in addition to the effective standardisation work that can be done with Fapas quality control materials, where credible, reliable test results can be obtained.

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