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Product Specification

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Test Description

This proficiency test is qualitative and addresses your testing ability within the detection of the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes/Listeria sp. in soft cheese.

Listeria is well known for causing a range of sickness symptoms when consumed. It is therefore imperative to highlight any high levels of this bacterial group within foodstuffs in an effort to reduce any risks to the consumer associated with certain foodstuffs.

Soft cheese can be at high risk of bacterial contamination due to the nature of the manufacturing process. Utilising a range of bacteria to create the desired taste and appearance of this soft cheese there is a significant risk to contamination due to the conditions created within manufacture. As such your ability to highlight and quantify specific bacteria species is integral to maintain a high quality, safe food stuff being offered to consumers.

Microbiological contamination of food can cause a range of sickness symptoms, the most extreme of which can result in hospitalisation, contamination can also cause food spoilage. Contamination can result from raw ingredients, poor sanitation or hygiene practices, or inappropriate storage conditions. Our Food Microbiology proficiency test samples combine the test organisms into real food matrices or swabs, together with background flora to fully represent real-world samples.

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