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Product Specification

Not available.

Test Description

This material is available only in conjunction with FCPM9-SEA18 Pesticide Residues in Liver. Pesticide residues are regulated in many countries and for many commodities, with maximum residue limits (MRLs) set within EU and other legislation. MRLs are the upper legal levels of a concentration for pesticide residues in or on food or feed based on good agricultural practices and to ensure the lowest possible consumer exposure. Commission Regulation (EC) No. 396/2005 lists 320 defined commodities for which more than 152,000 MRLs have been set. Any commodity/pesticide combination for which there is no authorisation will automatically have a default value of 0.01 mg/kg.

Pesticide residues can translocate across the food chain and into animal products. This proficiency test is perfect for laboratories analysing fat-soluble pesticide residues in animal products against a number of residues present from a list of possible target compounds. This proficiency test requires identification and quantification of the analytes.

This blank material is made from the same source as the positive material. It provides the perfect match for your analysis, giving the same matrix responses as seen in the positive material.

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