Note: Fees (prices) on this site are in GBP and do not include carriage / handling fees and VAT. Customers outside the UK may also incur local charges, including (but not limited to) import duties, local taxes and customs clearance fees, which may add significant cost to your order. Prices here are for the PT round or QC / Reference Material only and the total price payable may be higher.


Product Specification

Not available.

Test Description

In many countries, genetically modified organisms (GMO) legislation has been established in order to guarantee the traceability of food/feed products on the market and to protect the consumer freedom of choice. This contamination test gives participants the opportunity to systematically report if three wheat flour test materials are contaminated with Soya and Maize before further confirming if any contamination is GM and finally by identifying the GM event if so identified.

Throughout this proficiency test a step by step assessment of the contamination of a wheat flour material will be undertaken. This can take the form of: Is contamination present? If so, is it Maize or Soya Contamination? If so, is it GM Maize or Soya Contamination? And if so please identify the GM event.

GM events have a range of advantages such as disease resistance and improved yield. They do however also have some disadvantages that means consumers are wary of consuming GM crops in large quantities. Effective testing measures are therefore required to highlight any potentially undisclosed GM events to consumers. This is not always simple to achieve, and as such require high quality testing abilities to ensure credible results are achieved.
This use of a step by step assessment allows you to evaluate the flexibility of your testing practises in a close to real life scenario. This is further achieved through high quality, real food matrices being used across this Fapas proficiency test.

Fapas proficiency testing can form the foundation of your wider quality assurance activities, by informing any improvements that may need to be made across your testing ability you can ensure your customers only enjoy the high quality test results they require to satisfy regulators as well as protect the consumer from any potentially low quality produce.

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