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Test Description

Melamine came to prominence as an illegal additive to pet food and infant formula to increase the apparent protein content. Melamine metabolises to cyanuric acid and, in combination, the two compounds complex and can form dangerous crystals in the kidney causing serious health problems. The adulteration of foods with melamine is still a risk.

Improved testing is required to highlight melamine within foodstuffs. Simple nitrogen identification tests cannot now be used to highlight & quantify the protein content within foodstuffs. With more complex testing activities, improved quality assurance activities are required to maintain high standards of testing accuracy to safeguard your laboratory's credibility.

Fapas reference materials play a key role within well-designed quality assurance methods. With a plethora of uses, including method calibration reference materials have a defined chain of traceability, giving you the confidence you need to improve your testing set up. All of our reference materials come with an associated data sheet covering its reference values and expanded uncertainty.

Milk powder is a key ingredient in many foodstuffs, such as infant formula, or as a stand-alone product. Due to those consuming significant quantities of milk powder being infants, the importance of maintaining low to no concentrations of melamine cannot be underestimated.

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