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Test Description

Nutritional components and proximate tests are required to ensure that accurate labelling of foods is achieved, and in turn help consumers make informed choices about the food they eat. Fapas offers the widest range of analyte/matrix quality control materials combinations for the food sector using real world samples.

Cereals are consumed in huge quantities globally much of which is consumed as major ingredients in processed foods. As such there is significant demand for nutritional analysis of the whole grains but also the foods they are processed into. Many cereals are a good source of fibre and considered a healthy option by large numbers of consumers. Accurate food labelling is essential for consumers to be able to make an informed choice about the foods they eat.

Quality control materials are the perfect way to track your progress against a control. Utilising this as a quality control material can give an ideal platform from which to compare results across a range of operating conditions to track your changes over time. All with the goal of a long-term improved testing ability.

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