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Product Specification

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Test Description

The common nutritional and proximate components are moisture, total fat and nitrogen. This proficiency test includes analytes specific to chocolate, butyric acid, lactose and sucrose.

Your testing ability is challenged to highlight low quality products within your customers' supply chains. This in turn highlights any areas from which low quality produce originates, allowing your customers to take action and safeguard the high quality products within their global supply chains.

Chocolate is, by definition, a processed food. By taking a range of different ingredients, often from various locations around the globe, designed flavours and appearance of many well-known chocolate brands are created. Chocolate therefore requires effective testing capabilities to identify if the product is produced as designed and therefore of high enough quality to offer to consumers.

To maintain the effective testing ability required, strong quality assurance practices must be undertaken. Fapas proficiency tests can form the basis of your quality assurance activities to highlight any areas of improvement within your testing processes to achieve and maintain the high quality testing required.

Fapas proficiency test materials make use of real food matrices to provide direct comparisons to your routine analysis activities. This allows key areas of improvement to be highlighted and addressed quickly and concisely, maximising return on investment within your quality assurance programme.

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