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Test Description

This quality control material is useful when highlighting your testing ability for a range of pesticides within honey. From these insights, you are able to highlight areas of improvement within your current testing ability, from which to maintain accurate and valid results for your customers to receive.

Honey enjoys large demand putting increased strain on global supply chains. This is compounded by the fragile nature of bees and the general consensus that their habitats are heavily impacted by a growing population. As a result, the use of pesticides in agriculture continues to have a growing effect on bee populations, as they come into ever more contact with these chemicals.

Pesticide Residues are used extensively across a range of arable crops. These are used with the goal of maintaining high-quality produce by controlling disease and pest impacts on crops. Through good farming practises levels of pesticide residues are usually low and under safe levels. Yet as farmers come under increasing pressure to satisfy growing demand for produce, poor farming practices may increase levels of pesticide residues exposed to consumers. This must be controlled through the use of effective quality control measures.

Fapas quality control materials are an ideal tool to mitigate potential bias within your current testing practises. This could be through ongoing staff training exercises. We make use of real food matrices to ensure the results of your ongoing quality assurance activities are immediately comparable to your real-life testing practises. From this insight your ability to maintain your testing standards is improved.

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