Note: Fees (prices) on this site are in GBP and do not include carriage / handling fees and VAT. Customers outside the UK may also incur local charges, including (but not limited to) import duties, local taxes and customs clearance fees, which may add significant cost to your order. Prices here are for the PT round or QC / Reference Material only and the total price payable may be higher.


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Test Description

Onions are one of the most widely consumed vegetables, and therefore are grown for commercial gain across the globe because of their demand. Onions are also well sought after due to their versatility, as they can be cooked in food dishes as well as eaten raw or be pickled. 

To ensure a high-quality crop, suppliers regularly use pesticides to reduce disease and pests within their crop. Through good farming practices, the levels of pesticides passed to the consumer is low and manageable below safe levels. Suppliers may not always be utilising good farming practice, so it is important to ensure high-quality testing to identify any high levels of various pesticides being passed to consumers. 

Quality control materials can be utilised to track the improvements made within your quality assurance activities. This is in addition to the effective standardisation work that can be done with Fapas quality control materials, where credible, reliable test results can be obtained.

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