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Product Specification

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Test Description

This Fapas proficiency test can help evaluate your testing ability for pesticides within carrot.

This proficiency test is specifically for a range of pesticide residues that are generally determined using specific single-residue methods. Most pesticide residues are determined using multi-residue methods, that is ones in which potentially hundreds of compounds can be measured with a single extraction protocol and instrumental method, based on multi-stage mass spectrometry.  However, some pesticides are not very amenable to the generic multi-residue approach and still require more specific extraction regimes and chromatographic-mass spectrometric approaches.  This PT has a fixed list of such pesticides for determination by single residue methods.

Fapas proficiency tests can form the basis from which to ensure your testing practices offered continue to meet the expectations of your customers and regulators alike. Fapas makes use of real food matrices to provide useful insights into your current routine testing practices.

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