Tetracyclines in Prawns Proficiency Test

Note: Fees (prices) on this site are in GBP and do not include carriage / handling fees and VAT. Customers outside the UK may also incur local charges, including (but not limited to) import duties, local taxes and customs clearance fees, which may add significant cost to your order. Prices here are for the PT round or QC / Reference Material only and the total price payable may be higher.


Product Specification

Proficiency Test Information
Product Code Proficiency Test Matrix Approx. Size





Chlortetracycline, 4-epi-Chlortetracycline, Total Chlortetracycline (parent + epimer), Doxycycline, Oxytetracycline, 4-epi-Oxytetracycline, Total Oxytetracycline (parent + epimer), Tetracycline, 4-epi-Tetracycline, Total Tetracycline (parent + epimer)


1 or more analytes will be present for identification and quantification

Test Description

Animal products for human consumption are tightly legislated and closely monitored for compliance. Veterinary medicines used in animals are likely to have a pharmacological effect in humans. Hence, for many veterinary medicines, there are extremely low maximum residue limits or even no MRL (i.e. any detection is non-compliant). The Fapas proficiency test materials are produced in keeping with EU MRLs or minimum required performance limit (MRPL) where MRLs are not set. The result reporting requirements are also in keeping with quality control guidelines laid out in EC/657/2002. FAPAS veterinary medicine PT materials include incurred residues as well as fortified animal products. The PTs are grouped in analytical chemical class/matrix combinations and combine identification and quantification. The PTs are suitable for all methods, including screening methods (for the detection of total amount of that chemical class).

Within this proficiency test individual tetracyclines are the focus but 'total tetracyclines' is also included for the benefit of participants using ELISA test kits.

Tetracyclines in animal products are used to treat a number of bacterial infections in multiple different instances. They are therefore invaluable when improving yields in both quality and quantity of stock. When improving yields good farming practices must be employed, where the maximum benefits can be utilised with issues being controlled effectively.

Laboratories must employ effective testing backed through proficiency testing, giving the credibility in results needed for key stakeholders to make far reaching decisions. Fapas proficiency testing take this a step further by utilising real food samples to provide the closest comparison to your routine testing activities. This allows effective quality control processes to be maintained and improved, which have wide ranging effects on testing success.

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