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Product Specification

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Test Description

Animal products for human consumption are tightly legislated and closely monitored for compliance. Veterinary medicines used in animals are likely to have a pharmacological effect in humans. Hence, for many veterinary medicines, there are extremely low maximum residue limits or even no MRL (i.e. any detection is non-compliant). The Fapas quality control materials are produced in keeping with EU MRLs or minimum required performance limit (MRPL) where MRLs are not set. The result reporting requirements are also in keeping with quality control guidelines laid out in EC/657/2002. Fapas veterinary medicine quality control materials include incurred residues as well as fortified animal products.

Within this quality control material your testing ability for individual synthetic hormones, as well as 'total synthetic hormones' for the benefit of participants using ELISA test kits, are able to be evaluated.

Synthetic hormones within animal derived foodstuffs can have large implications on food safety and quality. As such they are highly regulated within many countries across the globe. With this large regulatory environment it is important to maintain accurate testing across a range of analytes and matrices. Fapas proficiency tests can aid your efforts in benchmarking your testing ability when detecting these potentially harmful compounds within foodstuffs.

Synthetic hormones are polarising in the public eye, and as such the results of potential detections within foodstuffs face extensive scrutiny from a wide range of industries. As such it is imperative to ensure high quality testing is utilised.

Fapas quality control materials can be utilised to track your testing progress from which to ensure year-round high quality testing capabilities. Fapas quality control materials are ideal for use within standardisation activities such as staff training and instrumentation verification. This can remove bias from your testing arrangement and promote highly credible, repeatable results.

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