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Code Product Code Item Code Start Date Group Matrix Analytes
ß-lactams in Bovine Milk Proficiency Test FCVD18-DRY4 02570 24/09/2024 Proficiency Test Bovine Milk Beta-lactams (penicillins & cephalosporins) £315.00
Sulfonamides, Trimethoprim & Macrolides in Chicken (Hens) Eggs FCVD29-EGG2 02572 09/10/2024 Proficiency Test Chicken (Hens) Eggs sulfonamides & trimethoprim & macrolides £315.00
Veterinary Drugs in Bovine Milk Blank Material BLVD5-DRY20 02569b 24/09/2024 Proficiency Test Blank Bovine Milk BLANK for chloramphenicol, florfenicol & thiamphenicol (BLVD5) £98.00
Pesticide Residues (Fat Soluble) in Processed Cheese Blank Material BLPM9-DRY3 05183b 17/06/2024 Proficiency Test Blank Processed Cheese BLANK for pesticide residues (fat soluble) (BLPM9) £77.00
Pesticide Residues (fat soluble) in Milk Powder Blank Material BLPM9-DRY2 05184b 22/07/2024 Proficiency Test Blank Milk Powder BLANK for pesticide residues (fat soluble) (BLPM9) £77.00
Pesticide Residues (multi-residues) in Baby Food (Cereal Based) Blank Material BLPM2-INF22 09173b 17/07/2024 Proficiency Test Blank Baby Food (Cereal Based) BLANK for pesticide residues (multi-residue) (BLPM2) £77.00
Pesticide Residues (multi-residues) in Baby Food (Cereal Based) Proficiency Test FCPM2-INF21 09173 17/07/2024 Proficiency Test Baby Food (Cereal Based) pesticide residues (multi-residue) £243.00
Nutritional elements in Milk Powder Proficiency Test FCNE1-DRY14 18124 07/11/2024 Proficiency Test Milk Powder selection of nutritional elements £247.00
beta-Carotene in Eggs Proficiency Test FCFA33-EGG4 20238 24/01/2025 Proficiency Test Eggs beta-Carotene £350.00
Natamycin in Cheese Proficiency Test FCFA35-DRY7 20239 13/02/2025 Proficiency Test Cheese natamycin £350.00
Tropane Alkaloids in Baby Food (Multigrain) Proficiency Test FCMF6-INF17 22230 11/10/2024 Proficiency Test Baby Food (Multigrain) tropane alkaloids: atropine & scopolamine £313.00
Aflatoxin M1 in Milk Powder Proficiency Test FCMA1-DRY14 04541 13/02/2025 Proficiency Test Milk Powder aflatoxin M1 £240.00
Aflatoxin M1 in Milk Powder Proficiency Test FCMA1-DRY14 04526 16/09/2024 Proficiency Test Milk Powder aflatoxin M1 £240.00
Aflatoxin M1 in Milk Powder Proficiency Test FCMA1-DRY14 04516 04/06/2024 Proficiency Test Milk Powder aflatoxin M1 £240.00
Pesticides in Processed Cheese Proficiency Test FCPX1-DRY17 05183 17/06/2024 Proficiency Test Processed Cheese biocides (quaternary ammonium compounds) [multi-residue methods] & (per)chlorates [single-residue methods] £256.00
Pesticide Residues (fat soluble) in Chicken (Hens) Eggs Proficiency Test FCPM11-EGG2 05190 12/02/2025 Proficiency Test Chicken (Hens) Eggs pesticide residues (fat soluble & recommended monitoring) £256.00
Pesticide Residues (Fat Soluble) in Insect Protein (Meal) Proficiency Test FCPM9-PRO47 05191 26/02/2025 Proficiency Test Insect Protein (meal) pesticide residues (fat soluble) £256.00
Dioxins and PCBs in Milk Powder Proficiency Test FCCE3-DRY14 06159 06/03/2025 Proficiency Test Milk Powder Dioxins & PCBs £464.00
Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Milk Proficiency Test FCCE7-DRY13 06162 16/08/2024 Proficiency Test Milk Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) £328.00
Heavy Metals in Milk Powder Proficiency Test (natural/low Levels) FCCM46-DRY14 07559 16/12/2024 Proficiency Test Milk Powder selection of metals at natural/low levels £244.00
Heavy Metals in Milk Powder Proficiency Test (natural/low Levels) FCCM46-DRY14 07542 21/08/2024 Proficiency Test Milk Powder selection of metals at natural/low levels £244.00
Nutritional Components in Baby Food (Cereal Based) Proficiency Test FCNC1-INF21 24116 28/10/2024 Proficiency Test Baby Food (Cereal Based) selection of nutritional components £235.00
Nutritional Components (sugars) in Milkshake Powder Proficiency Test FCNC3-DRY15 25266 07/06/2024 Proficiency Test Milkshake Powder selection of sugars £248.00
Nutritional Components in Pizza (Cooked) Proficiency Test FCNC1-PRO42 25272 07/10/2024 Proficiency Test Pizza (Cooked) selection of nutritional components £248.00
Nutritional Components in Milk Powder Proficiency Test FCNC1-DRY14 25273 21/10/2024 Proficiency Test Milk Powder selection of nutritional components £248.00
Nutritional Components in Ice Cream Mix Proficiency Test FCNC1-DRY24 25274 29/10/2024 Proficiency Test Ice Cream (liquid) selection of nutritional components £259.00
Amino Acids in Infant Formula Proficiency Test FCNC2-INF10 25278 10/12/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Formula amino acids £404.00
Nutritional Components in Butter Proficiency Test FCNC1-DRY6 25284 24/02/2025 Proficiency Test Butter selection of nutritional components £248.00
Fatty Acids in Biscuit (Cookie) Proficiency Test FCFO12-PRO2 14313 15/01/2025 Proficiency Test Biscuit (Cookie) limited fatty acid profile (inc. butyric acid) & cholesterol £249.00
Sugars in Milk Powder (Lactose-free) Proficiency Test FCNC3-DRY26 25288 02/12/2024 Proficiency Test Milk Powder (Lactose-free) selection of sugars £248.00
Celery & Mustard in Instant Soup Powder Proficiency Test FCAL2-PRO27 27397 06/06/2024 Proficiency Test Instant Soup Powder celery, mustard £258.00
Almond in Cake Proficiency Test FCAL30-PRO49 27399 26/06/2024 Proficiency Test Cake almond £329.00
Mollusc in Sauce (Uncooked) Proficiency Test FCAL29-PRO46 27404 14/08/2024 Proficiency Test Sauce (Uncooked) mollusc £329.00
Sesame in Bread Proficiency Test FCAL28-PRO6 27409 30/09/2024 Proficiency Test Bread sesame £329.00
Milk & β-Lactoglobulin in Infant Soya Formula Proficiency Test FCAL13-INF13 27416 12/12/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Soya Formula milk (BLG) £258.00
Detection of one or more from glass, plastic, metal & others in Baby Food Purée (Fruit) FCFB1-INF25 3503 23/07/2024 Proficiency Test Baby Food Purée (Fruit) detection of one or more from glass, plastic, metal & others £283.00
Hazelnut & Peanut in Cooked Biscuit Proficiency Test FCAL9-PRO14 27425 07/03/2025 Proficiency Test Cooked Biscuit hazelnut, peanut £329.00
Contaminants in Biscuit (Cookie) Proficiency Test FCCP3-PRO2 30154 29/07/2024 Proficiency Test Biscuit (Cookie) acrylamide £244.00
Acrylamide in French Fries Proficiency Test FCCP3-PRO25 30155 15/08/2024 Proficiency Test French Fries (Pre-Cooked) acrylamide £244.00
Contaminants in Milk Powder Proficiency Test FCCP7-DRY14 30157 07/10/2024 Proficiency Test Milk Powder melamine & cyanuric acid (> 5 mg/kg) £244.00
Furans in Baby Food (Cereal-Based) Proficiency Test FCCP9-INF21 30158 23/10/2024 Proficiency Test Baby Food (Cereal Based) a selection of furans £256.00
Quinolones, Fluoroquinolones & Aminoglycosides in Blank Chicken (Hens) Eggs Proficiency Test BLVD36-EGG1 02586b 04/02/2025 Proficiency Test Blank Chicken (Hens) Eggs BLANK for quinolones & fluoroquinolones & aminoglycosides (BLVD36) £98.00
Veterinary Medicines in Milk Powder Blank Material BLVD37-DRY2 02593b 19/03/2025 Proficiency Test Blank Milk Powder BLANK for sulfonamides & beta-lactams (BLVD37) £98.00
Pesticides in Infant Formula Blank Material BLPM10-INF5 05189b 08/01/2025 Proficiency Test Blank Infant Formula BLANK for pesticide residues (fat soluble, inc. EU 'red list' - low level) (BLPM10) £77.00
Pesticide Residues in Chicken (Hens) Eggs Blank Material Proficiency Test BLPM11-EGG1 05190b 12/02/2025 Proficiency Test Blank Chicken (Hens) Eggs BLANK (BLPM11) £77.00
Pesticide Residues (Fat Soluble) in Insect Protein (Meal) Blank Material BLPM10-PRO48 05191b 26/02/2025 Proficiency Test Blank Insect Protein (meal) BLANK for pesticide residues (fat soluble, inc. EU 'red list' - low level) (BLPM10) £77.00
Nutritional elements in Infant Formula Proficiency Test FCNE1-INF10 18126 05/03/2025 Proficiency Test Infant Formula selection of nutritional elements £247.00
Nutritional Elements in Biscuit (Cookie) Proficiency Test FCNE1-PRO2 18127 19/06/2024 Proficiency Test Biscuit (Cookie) selection of nutritional elements £247.00
Aflatoxins in Cheese (Soft) Proficiency Test FCMA1-DRY18 04534 26/11/2024 Proficiency Test Cheese (Soft) aflatoxin M1 £240.00
Dioxins, PCBs (semi blind) in Infant Formula Proficiency Test FCCE3-INF10 06148 31/07/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Formula Dioxins & PCBs £464.00
Metals in Cheese (Hard) Proficiency Test FCCM46-DRY27 07573 11/10/2024 Proficiency Test Cheese (Hard) selection of metals at natural/low levels £244.00
Quinolones, Fluoroquinolones & Aminoglycosides in Chicken (Hens) Eggs Proficiency Test FCVD41-EGG2 02586 04/02/2025 Proficiency Test Chicken (Hens) Eggs quinolones & fluoroquinolones & aminoglycosides £315.00
Veterinary Medicines in Milk Powder Proficiency Test FCVD42-DRY14 02593 19/03/2025 Proficiency Test Milk Powder sulfonamides & beta-lactams £315.00
Heavy Metals in Insect Protein (Meal) Proficiency Test FCCM46-PRO47 07552 31/10/2024 Proficiency Test Insect Protein (meal) selection of metals at natural/low levels £244.00
Fats in Biscuit (Cookie) Proficiency Test FCFO7-PRO2 14306 02/10/2024 Proficiency Test Biscuit (Cookie) total fat, saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, total trans fatty acids & butyric acid £249.00
Vitamin Infant Formula Proficiency Test FCNV5-INF10 21142 31/05/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Formula vitamins A, B12, C, D3, E & K1 £271.00
Nutritional Components in Milk Powder (reconstituted) Proficiency Test FCNC1-DRY28 25283 14/02/2025 Proficiency Test Milk Powder (reconstituted) selection of nutritional components £248.00
Nutritional Components in Vegan Ready to Eat Meal Proficiency Test FCNC1-PRO44 25285 05/03/2025 Proficiency Test Vegan Ready to Eat Meal selection of nutritional components £248.00
Nutritional Components in Corn/Maize based Snack Food Proficiency Test FCNC1-PRO39 25287 26/03/2025 Proficiency Test Corn/Maize based Snack Food selection of nutritional components £248.00
Contaminants in Infant Formula FCCP1-INF10 2681 20/06/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Formula 3-MCPD esters, glycidol esters & 2-MCPD esters £288.00
Milk, Casein & beta-lactoglobulin in Infant Breakfast Cereal Proficiency Test FCAL21-INF6 27398 21/06/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Breakfast Cereal milk (casein & BLG) £329.00
Egg, Gluten & Milk in Cake Mix Proficiency Test FCAL7-PRO10 27400 05/07/2024 Proficiency Test Cake Mix gluten, milk and egg £329.00
Milk & beta-lactoglobulin in Infant Formula Proficiency Test FCAL21-INF20 27405 22/08/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Formula (hydrolysed) milk (casein & BLG) £258.00
Gluten and Egg in Cake Mix Proficiency Test FCAL23-PRO10 27413 22/11/2024 Proficiency Test Cake Mix gluten & egg £291.00
Walnut in Bread Proficiency Test FCAL24-PRO6 27415 04/12/2024 Proficiency Test Bread walnut £329.00
Nutritional Components in Breadcrumbs Proficiency Test FCNC1-PRO9 24115 06/09/2024 Proficiency Test Breadcrumbs selection of nutritional components £235.00
Nutritional Components in Cheese Proficiency Test FCNC1-DRY7 25267 19/06/2024 Proficiency Test Cheese selection of nutritional components £248.00
Nutritional Components in Plant Based Milk Alternative Proficiency Test FCNC1-DRY22 25271 23/09/2024 Proficiency Test Plant Based Milk Alternative selection of nutritional components £259.00
Acrylamide in Infant Food (Baby Biscuits) Proficiency Test FCCP3-INF24 30152 07/06/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Food (Baby Biscuits) acrylamide £244.00
Acrylamide in Infant Cereal Proficiency Test FCCP3-INF7 30160 18/11/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Cereal acrylamide £244.00
Contaminants in Crispbread Proficiency Test FCCP3-PRO15 30161 03/01/2025 Proficiency Test Crispbread acrylamide £244.00
Acrylamide in Potato Crisps Proficiency Test FCCP3-PRO31 30163 03/03/2025 Proficiency Test Potato Crisps acrylamide £244.00
Veterinary Drugs in Bovine Milk Blank Material BLVD18-DRY20 02570b 24/09/2024 Proficiency Test Blank Bovine Milk BLANK for beta-lactams (penicillins & cephalosporins) (BLVD18) £98.00
Sulfonamides, Trimethoprim & Macrolides in Blank Chicken (Hens) Eggs Proficiency Test BLVD29-EGG1 02572b 09/10/2024 Proficiency Test Blank Chicken (Hens) Eggs BLANK for sulfonamides & trimethoprim & macrolides (BLVD29) £98.00
Pesticide Residues (Fat Soluble) in Milk Powder Proficiency Test FCPX10-DRY14 05184 22/07/2024 Proficiency Test Milk Powder pesticide residues (fat soluble) [multi-residue methods] including (per)chlorates [single-residue methods] £256.00
Pesticide Residues (fat soluble) Including Perchlorate in Infant Formula Proficiency Test FCPX11-INF10 05189 08/01/2025 Proficiency Test Infant Formula pesticide residues (fat soluble, inc. EU 'red list' - low level) including (per)chlorates [single-residue methods] £256.00
Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Dried Egg Proficiency Test FCCE7-EGG3 06153 01/11/2024 Proficiency Test Dried Egg Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) £328.00
Dioxins, PCBs in Insect Protein (Meal) Proficiency Test FCCE3-PRO47 06157 17/01/2025 Proficiency Test Insect Protein (meal) Dioxins & PCBs £464.00
Fatty Acids in Milk Powder Proficiency Test FCFO13-DRY14 14301 29/07/2024 Proficiency Test Milk Powder total fat, saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids (& possibly individual fatty acids: linoleic acid, a-linolenic acid (ALA), ARA, DHA & EPA) £249.00
Fats in Infant Breakfast Cereals Proficiency Test FCFO9-INF6 14307 17/10/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Breakfast Cereal total fat, saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids (& possibly individual fatty acids: linoleic acid, a-linolenic acid (ALA), ARA, DHA & EPA) £249.00
Veterinary Drugs in Bovine Milk Proficiency Test FCVD5-DRY4 02569 24/09/2024 Proficiency Test Bovine Milk chloramphenicol, florfenicol & thiamphenicol £315.00
Heavy Metals in Baby Food (Vegetable Based) Proficiency Test FCCM46-INF19 07541 07/08/2024 Proficiency Test Baby Food (Vegetable Based) selection of metals at natural/low levels £244.00
Heavy Metals in Infant Cereal (rice based) Proficiency Test FCCM46-INF18 07546 19/09/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Cereal (Rice Based) selection of metals at natural/low levels £244.00
Nitrate and Nitrite in Milk Powder in Proficiency Test FCFA18-DRY14 15188 07/02/2025 Proficiency Test Milk Powder nitrate as NaNO3 & nitrite as NaNO2 £242.00
Food Additives and Ingredients in Chocolate Cake Mix Proficiency Test FCFA14-PRO13 20226 19/06/2024 Proficiency Test Chocolate Cake Mix caffeine, sorbic acid, theobromine & total sugars (expressed as sucrose) £242.00
Crustacea in Sauce (Uncooked) Proficiency Test FCAL26-PRO46 27421 14/02/2025 Proficiency Test Sauce (Uncooked) crustacea £329.00
Casein, Gluten & Milk in Infant Soya Formula Proficiency Test FCAL15-INF13 27422 17/02/2025 Proficiency Test Infant Soya Formula milk (casein) & gluten £329.00
Animal DNA in Plant Based Food (Vegan Compliance) Proficiency Test FCAC3-PRO45 29121 18/06/2024 Proficiency Test Plant Based Food (Vegan Compliance Check) animal DNA £329.00
Nutritional Components in Biscuit (Cookie) Proficiency Test FCNC1-PRO2 24117 18/11/2024 Proficiency Test Biscuit (Cookie) selection of nutritional components £235.00
Nutritional Components in Infant Formula Proficiency Test FCNC1-INF10 25269 21/08/2024 Proficiency Test Infant Formula selection of nutritional components £248.00
Nutritional Components in Milk (Evaporated) Proficiency Test FCNC1-DRY25 25276 27/11/2024 Proficiency Test Milk (Evaporated) selection of nutritional components £248.00
Nutritional Components in Milk Proficiency Test FCNC1-DRY13 25279 06/01/2025 Proficiency Test Milk selection of nutritional components £248.00
Nutritional Components in Cheese & Pasta Meal Proficiency Test FCNC1-PRO12 25280 15/01/2025 Proficiency Test Cheese & Pasta Meal selection of nutritional components £248.00
Nutritional Components in Yoghurt Proficiency Test FCNC1-DRY19 25282 07/02/2025 Proficiency Test Yoghurt selection of nutritional components £248.00
Contaminants in Milk Powder Proficiency Test FCCP8-INF10 30164 06/03/2025 Proficiency Test Infant Formula melamine & cyanuric acid (low levels, <5 mg/kg) £244.00
Egg, Gluten & Milk in Cooked Biscuit Proficiency Test FCAL7-PRO14 27418 16/01/2025 Proficiency Test Cooked Biscuit gluten, milk and egg £329.00
Aflatoxins in Infant Food Quality Control Material FCMM4-INF8QC T04491QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Food £100.00
Aflatoxins in Infant Food Quality Control Material FCMM4-INF8QC T04455QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Food £100.00
Aflatoxins in Infant Food Quality Control Material FCMM4-INF8QC T04424QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Food £100.00
Pesticide Residues in Chicken (Hens) Eggs Blank Quality Control Material BLPM11-EGG1QC T05167bQC N/A Quality Control Material Blank Chicken (Hens) Eggs £77.00
Pesticide Residues in Chicken (Hens) Eggs Blank Quality Control Material BLPM11-EGG1QC T05178bQC N/A Quality Control Material Blank Chicken (Hens) Eggs £75.00
Aflatoxin M1 In Milk Powder Quality Control Material FCMA1-DRY14QC T04415QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Aflatoxin M1 In Milk Powder Quality Control Material FCMA1-DRY14QC T04423QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Aflatoxin M1 In Milk Powder Quality Control Material FCMA1-DRY14QC T04467QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Aflatoxin M1 In Milk Powder Quality Control Material FCMA1-DRY14QC T04490QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Aflatoxin M1 In Milk Powder Quality Control Material FCMA1-DRY14QC T04478QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Aflatoxin M1 In Milk Powder Quality Control Material FCMA1-DRY14QC T04444QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Aflatoxin M1 In Milk Powder Quality Control Material FCMA1-DRY14QC T04454QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Aflatoxin M1 In Milk Powder Quality Control Material FCMA1-DRY14QC T04505QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £75.00
Mycotoxins in Infant Food Quality Control Material FCMM6-INF8QC T04440QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Food £143.00
Mycotoxins in Infant Food Quality Control Material FCMM6-INF8QC T04474QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Food £143.00
Mycotoxins in Infant Food Quality Control Material FCMM6-INF8QC T04385QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Food £143.00
Coccidiostats in Chicken (Hens) Eggs Quality Control Material FCVD7-EGG2QC T02518QC N/A Quality Control Material Chicken (Hens) Eggs £105.00
Veterinary Drugs in Bovine Milk Blank Quality Control Material BLVD5-DRY20QC T02524bQC N/A Quality Control Material Blank Bovine Milk £98.00
Veterinary Medicines in Bovine Milk Quality Control FCVD29-DRY4QC T02500QC N/A Quality Control Material Bovine Milk £105.00
Nitrofurans in Chicken Eggs Blank Quality Control BLVD12-EGG1QC T02506bQC N/A Quality Control Material Blank Chicken (Hens) Eggs £98.00
Nutritional elements in Milk Powder Quality Control FCNE1-DRY14QC T18118QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Nutritional Elements in Infant Formula Quality Control Material FCNE1-INF10QC T18120QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Formula £75.00
Pesticide Residues (multi-residues) in Baby Food (Cereal Based) Blank Quality Control Material BLPM2-INF22QC T09160bQC N/A Quality Control Material Blank Baby Food (Cereal Based) £77.00
Heavy Metals in Baby Food (Vegetable Based) Quality Control FCCM46-INF19QC T07493QC N/A Quality Control Material Baby Food (Vegetable Based) £77.00
Heavy Metals in Baby Food (Vegetable Based) Quality Control FCCM46-INF19QC T07449QC N/A Quality Control Material Baby Food (Vegetable Based) £77.00
Heavy Metals in Insect Protein (Meal) Quality Control FCCM46-PRO47QC T07505QC N/A Quality Control Material Insect Protein (meal) £77.00
Heavy Metals in Milk Powder Quality Control (natural/low Levels) FCCM46-DRY14QC T07512QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Nitrates in Milk Powder Quality Control Material FCFA18-DRY14QC T15178QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Animal DNA in Plant Based Food (Vegan Compliance) Quality Control FCAC3-PRO45QC T29109BQC N/A Quality Control Material Plant Based Food (Vegan Compliance Check) £104.00
Animal DNA in Plant Based Food (Vegan Compliance) Quality Control FCAC3-PRO45QC T29109AQC N/A Quality Control Material Plant Based Food (Vegan Compliance Check) £104.00
Acrylamide in French Fries Quality Control Material FCCP3-PRO25QC T30140QC N/A Quality Control Material French Fries (Pre-Cooked) £77.00
Contaminants in Milk Powder Quality Control FCCP7-DRY14QC T30142QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Acrylamide in Infant Cereal Quality Control FCCP3-INF7QC T30145QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Cereal £77.00
Milk & β-Lactoglobulin in Infant Soya Formula Quality Control Material FCAL13-INF13QC T27345AQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Soya Formula £77.00
Milk & β-Lactoglobulin in Infant Soya Formula Quality Control Material FCAL13-INF13QC T27345BQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Soya Formula £77.00
Milk & β-Lactoglobulin in Infant Soya Formula Quality Control Material FCAL13-INF13QC T27380AQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Soya Formula £77.00
Milk & β-Lactoglobulin in Infant Soya Formula Quality Control Material FCAL13-INF13QC T27380BQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Soya Formula £77.00
Allergens in Cooked Biscuit (Cookie) Quality Control Material FCAL7-PRO14QC T27346QC N/A Quality Control Material Cooked Biscuit £104.00
Allergens in Cooked Biscuit (Cookie) Quality Control Material FCAL7-PRO14QC T27382QC N/A Quality Control Material Cooked Biscuit £101.00
Hazelnut & Peanut in Cooked Biscuit Quality Control Material FCAL9-PRO14QC T27353QC N/A Quality Control Material Cooked Biscuit £104.00
Gluten in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL6-PRO10QC T27359AQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £77.00
Gluten in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL6-PRO10QC T27359BQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £77.00
Gluten in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL6-PRO10QC T27326AQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £77.00
Gluten in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL6-PRO10QC T27326BQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £77.00
Milk, Casein & beta-lactoglobulin in Infant Breakfast Cereal Quality Control Material FCAL21-INF6QC T27362AQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Breakfast Cereal £104.00
Milk, Casein & beta-lactoglobulin in Infant Breakfast Cereal Quality Control Material FCAL21-INF6QC T27362BQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Breakfast Cereal £104.00
Milk, Casein & beta-lactoglobulin in Infant Breakfast Cereal Quality Control Material FCAL21-INF6QC T27322BQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Breakfast Cereal £104.00
Milk, Casein & beta-lactoglobulin in Infant Breakfast Cereal Quality Control Material FCAL21-INF6QC T27329AQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Breakfast Cereal £104.00
Milk, Casein & beta-lactoglobulin in Infant Breakfast Cereal Quality Control Material FCAL21-INF6QC T27329BQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Breakfast Cereal £104.00
Almond in Cake Quality Control FCAL30-PRO49QC T27363AQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake £104.00
Almond in Cake Quality Control FCAL30-PRO49QC T27363BQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake £104.00
Tropane Alkaloids in Baby Food (Multigrain) Quality Control Material FCMF6-INF17QC T22214QC N/A Quality Control Material Baby Food (Multigrain) £99.00
Nutritional Components (sugars) in Milkshake Powder Quality Control Material FCNC3-DRY15QC T25200QC N/A Quality Control Material Milkshake Powder £77.00
Nutritional Components (sugars) in Milkshake Powder Quality Control Material FCNC3-DRY15QC T25237QC N/A Quality Control Material Milkshake Powder £77.00
Nutritional Components in Cheese Quality Control FCNC50-DRY7QC T25215QC N/A Quality Control Material Cheese £77.00
Mollusc in Sauce (Uncooked) Quality Control FCAL29-PRO46QC T27368AQC N/A Quality Control Material Sauce (Uncooked) £104.00
Mollusc in Sauce (Uncooked) Quality Control FCAL29-PRO46QC T27368BQC N/A Quality Control Material Sauce (Uncooked) £104.00
Milk & beta-lactoglobulin in Infant Formula Quality Control Material FCAL21-INF20QC T27369AQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Formula (hydrolysed) £77.00
Milk & beta-lactoglobulin in Infant Formula Quality Control Material FCAL21-INF20QC T27369BQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Formula (hydrolysed) £77.00
Milk & beta-lactoglobulin in Infant Formula Quality Control Material FCAL21-INF20QC T27335AQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Formula (hydrolysed) £77.00
Sesame in Bread Quality Control FCAL28-PRO6QC T27373BQC N/A Quality Control Material Bread £104.00
Sesame in Bread Quality Control FCAL28-PRO6QC T27373AQC N/A Quality Control Material Bread £104.00
Walnut in Bread Quality Control FCAL24-PRO6QC T27379BQC N/A Quality Control Material Bread £104.00
Walnut in Bread Quality Control FCAL24-PRO6QC T27344AQC N/A Quality Control Material Bread £104.00
Walnut in Bread Quality Control FCAL24-PRO6QC T27344BQC N/A Quality Control Material Bread £104.00
Walnut in Bread Quality Control FCAL24-PRO6QC T27379AQC N/A Quality Control Material Bread £104.00
Crustacea in Sauce (Uncooked) Quality Control FCAL26-PRO46QC T27385AQC N/A Quality Control Material Sauce (Uncooked) £101.00
Crustacea in Sauce (Uncooked) Quality Control FCAL26-PRO46QC T27385BQC N/A Quality Control Material Sauce (Uncooked) £101.00
Gluten and Egg in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL23-PRO10QC T27342BQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £104.00
Gluten and Egg in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL23-PRO10QC T27342AQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £104.00
Gluten and Egg in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL23-PRO10QC T27377AQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £104.00
Gluten and Egg in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL23-PRO10QC T27377BQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £104.00
Nutritional Components in Milk Powder Quality Control FCNC12-DRY14QC T25222QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Nutritional Components in Milk Powder Quality Control FCNC1-DRY14QC T25248QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Nutritional Components in Milk Powder Quality Control FCNC1-DRY14QC T25259QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £75.00
Nutritional Components in Yoghurt Quality Control FCNC1-DRY19QC T25258QC N/A Quality Control Material Yoghurt £75.00
3-MCPD esters in Potato (Chips) Crisps Quality Control Material FCCP1-PRO31QC T2675QC N/A Quality Control Material Potato Crisps £77.00
Acrylamide in Potato Crisps Quality Control Material FCCP3-PRO31QC T30148QC N/A Quality Control Material Potato Crisps £75.00
Veterinary Medicines in Eggs Quality Control Material FCVD12-EGG2QC T02506QC N/A Quality Control Material Chicken (Hens) Eggs £105.00
Sulfonamides, Trimethoprim and Macrolides in Blank Bovine Milk Quality Control BLVD29-DRY20QC T02500bQC N/A Quality Control Material Blank Bovine Milk £98.00
Pesticide Residues (multi-residues) in Baby Food (Cereal Based) Quality Control FCPM2-INF21QC T09160QC N/A Quality Control Material Baby Food (Cereal Based) £82.00
Pesticide Residues (fat soluble) in Chicken (Hens) Quality Control Material FCPM11-EGG2QC T05167QC N/A Quality Control Material Chicken (Hens) Eggs £82.00
Pesticide Residues (fat soluble) in Chicken (Hens) Quality Control Material FCPM11-EGG2QC T05178QC N/A Quality Control Material Chicken (Hens) Eggs £80.00
Pesticide Residues (Fat Soluble) in Insect Protein (Meal) Blank Quality Control Material BLPM10-PRO48QC T05179bQC N/A Quality Control Material Blank Insect Protein (meal) £75.00
Pesticide Residues (Fat Soluble) in Insect Protein (Meal) Quality Control FCPM9-PRO47QC T05179QC N/A Quality Control Material Insect Protein (meal) £80.00
Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Dried Egg Quality Control FCCE7-EGG3QC T06142QC N/A Quality Control Material Dried Egg £100.00
Heavy Metals in Rice Cakes Quality Control FCCM46-PRO33QC T07433QC N/A Quality Control Material Rice Cakes £77.00
Heavy Metals in Rice Cakes Quality Control FCCM46-PRO33QC T07476QC N/A Quality Control Material Rice Cakes £77.00
Fats in Infant Breakfast Cereals Quality Control Materials FCFO9-INF6QC T14282QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Breakfast Cereal £95.00
Food Additives and Ingredients in Chocolate Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCFA14-PRO13QC T20211QC N/A Quality Control Material Chocolate Cake Mix £77.00
Egg in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL5-PRO10QC T27357AQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £77.00
Egg in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL5-PRO10QC T27324AQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £77.00
Egg in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL5-PRO10QC T27357BQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £77.00
Egg, Gluten & Milk in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL7-PRO10QC T27364AQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £104.00
Egg, Gluten & Milk in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL7-PRO10QC T27331BQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £104.00
Egg, Gluten & Milk in Cake Mix Quality Control Material FCAL7-PRO10QC T27364BQC N/A Quality Control Material Cake Mix £104.00
Fusarium Toxins in Dried Pasta Quality Control Material FCMF2-PRO17QC T22206QC N/A Quality Control Material Dried Pasta £99.00
Proximates in Breadcrumbs Quality Control Material FCNC6-PRO9QC T24100QC N/A Quality Control Material Breadcrumbs £77.00
Nutritional Components in Biscuit (Cookie) Quality Control FCNC1-PRO2QC T24109QC N/A Quality Control Material Biscuit (Cookie) £77.00
Nutritional Components in Corn/Maize based Snack Food Quality Control Material FCNC30-PRO39QC T25223QC N/A Quality Control Material Corn/Maize based Snack Food £77.00
Nutritional Components in a Cheese and Pasta Meal Quality Control Material FCNC15-PRO12QC T25226QC N/A Quality Control Material Cheese & Pasta Meal £95.00
Nutritional Components in Condensed Milk Quality Control FCNC1-DRY9QC T25236QC N/A Quality Control Material Condensed Milk £95.00
Nutritional Components in Vegan Ready to Eat Meal Quality Control FCNC1-PRO44QC T25261QC N/A Quality Control Material Vegan Ready to Eat Meal £92.00
Casein, Gluten & Milk in Infant Soya Formula Quality Control Material FCAL15-INF13QC T27350AQC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Soya Formula £104.00
Furans in Baby Food (Cereal-Based) Quality Control FCCP9-INF21QC T30143QC N/A Quality Control Material Baby Food (Cereal Based) £81.00
Acrylamide in Crispbread Quality Control Material FCCP3-PRO15QC T30146QC N/A Quality Control Material Crispbread £77.00
Nitroimidazoles in Chicken (Hens) Eggs Quality Control Material FCVD13-EGG2QC T02477QC N/A Quality Control Material Chicken (Hens) Eggs £105.00
ß-lactams in Bovine Milk Quality Control Material FCVD18-DRY4QC T02483QC N/A Quality Control Material Bovine Milk £105.00
Coccidiostats in Chicken (Hens) Eggs Blank Quality Control Material BLVD7-EGG1QC T02518bQC N/A Quality Control Material Blank Chicken (Hens) Eggs £98.00
Veterinary Drugs in Bovine Milk Quality Control Material FCVD5-DRY4QC T02524QC N/A Quality Control Material Bovine Milk £105.00
Pesticides in Infant Formula Blank Quality Control Material BLPM10-INF5QC T05176bQC N/A Quality Control Material Blank Infant Formula £75.00
Pesticide Residues (fat soluble) Including Perchlorate in Infant Formula Quality Control FCPX11-INF10QC T05176QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Formula £80.00
Dioxins & PCBs in Dried Egg Quality Control Material FCCE3-EGG3QC T06126QC N/A Quality Control Material Dried Egg £192.00
Food Additives and Ingredients in Biscuit (Cookie) Quality Control Material FCFO7-PRO2QC T14281QC N/A Quality Control Material Biscuit (Cookie) £95.00
Heavy Metals in Infant Formula Quality Control FCCM46-INF10QC T07478QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Formula £77.00
Heavy Metals in Infant Cereal (rice based) Quality Control FCCM46-INF18QC T07499QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Cereal (Rice Based) £77.00
Aflatoxins in Cheese (Soft) Quality Control FCMA1-DRY18QC T04499QC N/A Quality Control Material Cheese (Soft) £77.00
Fatty Acids in Biscuit (Cookie) Quality Control Material FCFO12-PRO2QC T14289QC N/A Quality Control Material Biscuit (Cookie) £90.00
Nutritional Components in Breadcrumbs Quality Control FCNC1-PRO9QC T24107QC N/A Quality Control Material Breadcrumbs £77.00
Nutritional Components in Baby Food (Cereal Based) Quality Control FCNC1-INF21QC T24108QC N/A Quality Control Material Baby Food (Cereal Based) £77.00
Nutritional Components in Milk Powder (Reconstituted) Quality Control FCNC49-DRY14QC T25229QC N/A Quality Control Material Milk Powder £77.00
Nutritional Components in Infant Formula Quality Control FCNC1-INF10QC T25243QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Formula £77.00
Amino Acids in Infant Formula Quality Control FCNC2-INF10QC T25254QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Formula £105.00
Nutritional Components in Butter Quality Control FCNC1-DRY6QC T25260QC N/A Quality Control Material Butter £75.00
Vitamin Infant Formula Quality Control Material FCNV5-INF10QC T21136QC N/A Quality Control Material Infant Formula £93.00
Contaminants in Biscuit Quality Control Material FCCP3-PRO2QC T30139QC N/A Quality Control Material Biscuit (Cookie) £77.00
Heavy Metals in Infant Cereal (rice based) Reference Material FCCM46-INF18RM TBK013RM N/A Reference Material Infant Cereal (Rice Based) £200.00
Heavy Metals in Baby Food (Vegetable Based) Reference Material FCCM12-INF19RM TBK015RM N/A Reference Material Baby Food (Vegetable Based) £200.00
Pesticide Residues (fat soluble, inc. EU 'red list' - low level) in Infant Formula Reference Material FCPM10-INF10RM TFV006RM N/A Reference Material Infant Formula £270.00
Aflatoxin M1 in Milk Powder Reference Material FCMA1-DRY14RM TFV022RM N/A Reference Material Milk Powder £170.00
Contaminants in Milk Powder Reference Material FCCP7-DRY14RM TFV026RM N/A Reference Material Milk Powder £170.00
Hazelnut & Peanut in Cooked Biscuit Reference Material FCAL9-PRO14RM TBK003RM N/A Reference Material Cooked Biscuit £270.00
Nutritional Elements in Milk Powder Reference Material FCNE8-DRY14RM TBK008RM N/A Reference Material Milk Powder £270.00
Heavy Metals in Milk Powder Reference Material (natural/low Levels) FCCM46-DRY14RM TBK010RM N/A Reference Material Milk Powder £200.00
Vitamins in Powdered Baby Food Reference Material FCNV4-INF15RM TYG008RM N/A Reference Material Powdered Baby Food £270.00