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Product Specification

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Test Description

Coccidiostats are a group of veterinary medicines which acts to reduce the impact of Coccidia parasites on a range of livestock, including poultry and cattle.

Their residues in foodstuffs are of particular concern if found in large enough levels. This is due to the pharmacological effects which may be apparent in humans. It is therefore vitally important to ensure your testing measures are fit for purpose and able to accurately highlight any potentially unsafe levels of veterinary medicines in foodstuffs.

Veterinary Medicines are used extensively within day-to-day farming practises, to ensure high quality livestock is maintained and adequate financial reward is safeguarded.

Veterinary medicines are utilised regularly to prevent disease and maintain high quality stocks from which to ensure adequate financial reward for suppliers. These veterinary medicines can be passed on to consumers when poor production practises are utilised such as excessive veterinary medicine usage. Effective testing is required to highlight these excessive levels within foodstuffs, from which to protect the end consumer from potentially harmful effects.

Animal feed plays an important part in the food chain and effects the composition and quality of the livestock products (milk, meat and eggs) that people consume.  The aim of legislation and industry self-regulation is to ensure that animal feed is safe, wholesome and does not present any danger to animal or human health and the environment, therefore you will find animal feed in various parts of our programme (e.g. mycotoxins, microbiology, pesticides, GM, melamine, vet drugs).  Fapas uses only real animal feeds that are from commercial animal feed suppliers, so you can be sure you the results you receive from your proficiency test correspond to your performance on your routine analytical samples.  Feed analysis for proximates can be difficult and often the method itself defines the component (e.g. fibre, starch, oil).  Therefore an external check on the execution of the method is important.  Proficiency testing can highlight inappropriate methods. 

Fapas quality control materials make use of real food matrices to provide direct comparisons to your current routine analysis activities. This is vital to ensure only high quality testing practises are employed by your laboratory to achieve the highest standard test results possible.

Through activities such as staff training and instrumentation validation Fapas quality control materials make a significant impact within your wider quality assurance practises to safeguard your high quality testing ability.

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