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Product Specification

Not available.

Test Description

Analytes within this test are as a measure of health properties (or otherwise) of mixed fat spread and include total fat, butyric acid (as a measure of fat decomposition) and cholesterol.

Fat spreads are a general term for butters, margarines and similar products. They have a naturally large fat content owing to their ingredients. With public opinion on fat being relatively negative, with fats being perceived as unhealthy manufacturers are processing these spreads into lower fat options.

As such it is key for effective and accurate testing for total fats and other relevant analytes to protect the consumer from incorrect labelling and nutritional values of foodstuffs.

The distinctive smells of fat spreads are formed by butyric acid, an analyte within this proficiency test. This acid is produced during anaerobic fermentation, usually within the curdling process. Butyric acid is classed as a food additive and flavouring and as such is highly regulated by authorities worldwide.

Fapas utilise real food matrices to simulate true to life testing environments. This gives useful results for your laboratories to improve quality ontrol processes and highlight areas of improvement if necessary.

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